Rabu, 20 Juli 2016

Close Disability Insurance: you have to watch

Occupation Disability or suitable work

You can insure yourself for professional incapacity or for suitable work. The difference in premium jumps, in this case the most in the eye. For suitable employment shall generally include a lower premium.

But beware: the insurer may require you a replacement function (suitable work) accept outside your own business when you hit partially incapacitated. Assure you you for occupational disability, you do pay more premium, but only counts how much you your current profession can continue to exercise.

Fixed rate or age-related rate

You can choose from two tariff types. At a fixed rate (standard rate) you pay over the term of the insurance a fixed premium each year. In an age dependent rate (combined rate) will start with a lower premium, which rises over the years.

The amount of the benefit

Close Disability Insurance: you have to watch

The higher the amount that assures you, the higher the premium. Calculate for yourself what you need to get by. Keep in mind that the benefits that you receive in disability is a gross amount. Since the tax is therefore still low. However, the premium that you often pay deductible is.

The excess period

During the waiting period is not the disability insurance pays out. The longer the waiting period, the lower the premium therefore fails. But this means or that you - if you become ill or have an accident - will have no income during this period. So make advance Always a realistic assessment of your financial buffer and calculate how long you can wear such excess period.

final Age

Until what age do you want to pay your disability insurance? Until your 62, your 65th or 67th year of life? Secure yourself until your 62? Then you will soon have yet to bridge a considerable period for the retirement age reached. This principle does not pose any problems, as long as your buffer is large enough.

Contract duration

The discount offered by many insurers to long contract durations are interesting.
But you want to plan so far ahead?
You can not see into the future: both your personal and business situation may change significantly in five years.

Finally, look at the big picture

View your overall financial picture. How much income do you really need to get by? And in the future? You can fall back on a financial buffer or the income of your spouse?

Then you can choose a lower sum insured, a longer waiting period or a lower end of the age

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