Selasa, 26 Juli 2016

5 questions and answers about the disability insurance for self-employed

1. When is it wise to take out disability insurance?

As a freelancer, you are opposed to workers who are in employment, no longer automatically insured against disability . A disability-insurance is not mandatory, but there always is a risk that something happens. Short-term disability, such as a sports injury, you can still usually be absorbed in ourselves, but in the case of a serious accident or prolonged illness your disabled status can bring the firm eventually compromised.

Go there anyway but from that government can do nothing for you. The only law where a disabled entrepreneur can fall back on, the assistance . That often means not only a significant drop in income, but may even lead to the loss of your home. With a valid disability insurance in your pocket you to illness or incapacity at least assured of an income.

5 questions and answers about the disability insurance for self-employed

2. What can I do if I want to close any disability?

As mentioned, you do as a business owner or freelancer not obliged to take out disability insurance, but remember that accidents often sits in a small corner. Nevertheless, you can take the risk of disability also personally cover. It is for any entrepreneur therefore prudent to reserve money for emergencies, but if you choose to not (yet) disability insurance to close, it is really crucial to zetteb separate money for this. Be aware that you make these savings not later appeal to other investments participate.

Do not have a disability and you become incapacitated? Then you are generally on your own income (and those of your partner) designated. If there is no equity, you may find that you qualify for Decision Assistance Self-Employed (BBZ) , passing through the municipal social services. The main criterion for this is the viability of your business, whether it happens in practice relatively often that a request is rejected.

3. What do I get when I finish a disability insurance?

That depends on what you find important. There are complete disability insurance available, but you can also cheaper basic insurance policies that pay for example only in the case of serious illnesses. Some insurance pays in relevant situations also pay attention to personal counseling and reintegration.

Furthermore, you can usually determine how high the amount must be at least you want to get paid monthly in later. Again, the higher the pay out amount, the more expensive the insurance premium. Ask yourself first so well how much income you actually need not always end up in the red at the end of the month. Tip: make anyway for a financial buffer . Building this - and any income of your spouse - the costs can significantly reduce.

4. Why costs are actually so high?

The amount of the premium depends on several aspects. So take into account insurance sectors and the risks for each profession. A freelance copywriter walks office usually less physical risk than a bricklayer. Furthermore, it is important that you think about the importance of coverage for any psychological damage.

Do not practice such a stressful job? Then omission of such coverage can significantly in care premium. The premium may also be considerably lower if you build a certain deductible. The longer the excess (eg, six months), the lower the premium will be that you have to pay. This is partly dependent on the amount of your savings because you are the period in which the insurance does not pay well financially be able to overcome.

5. Are there any benefits for entrepreneurs?

Good to know: disability insurance are fully tax deductible for all entrepreneurs, but especially for start-ups is often financially attractive to conclude a disability.
As a starter, it may be fine if you can control several things at once.
So it's Interpolis Income Foolproof Plan for entrepreneurs who want to hedge the risk of disability.
Please note that because there is a significant cost to a disability insurance are linked, it is advisable to jump at first somewhat flexible with the contract.
Put the insurance example, not just to establish your retirement. Not only your personal situation may still change over the years, but if your business a huge success is, you may build such a large financial reserve that you have a disability insurance in the long term no longer need.

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