1. Liability insurance.
Liability insurance for individuals, or simply an AVP, which covers damage you are liable for. It may relate to property damage and personal injury. For example, if someone is injured through you, this insurance covers the damage. But even if you accidentally belongings of another destroys, the insurance covers the damage.
An AVP is not mandatory. However, it is highly advisable to close it out this insurance. Especially when it comes to injury claims, the injury can be high. The chance that you come across something that you have to pay is certainly not large, but when it happens, you can go bankrupt by a towering damage. Because of the low probability that the insurer must pay large sums, the premium is usually very high. Even if you have children, it is recommended that an AVP. Children may inadvertently
cause damage where the parent is responsible.
2. Car insurrance.

If you own a car, you must take out civil liability insurance. This is the only compulsory insurance for your car. You also have the choice of a large number of additional cover. So you can insure your car all risk. Another name for this is the full hull insurance. This insurance covers all damage to your car, regardless of who caused the damage. If you drive yourself against something, the damage is covered. Damage caused by eg storm or fire covered. This insurance is particularly useful for newer cars. Is your car older than 3 to 5 years, then you should consider this insurance to terminate.
If a full comprehensive insurance is not necessary, you can take a limited hull insurance. This insurance covers damage resulting from fire, among other things, hail and storm and window damage, but does not cover damage to your own fault. Is your car older than about eight years, then the current value is probably so low that no longer requires the limited hull insurance. The premium is high compared to what you still can get in return.
Besides ensuring the liability and the car itself, there are other coverages to exit the car. Most insurers offer a legal assistance for traffic and accident insurance for the occupants of the car. Also insurance for the goods transported in the vehicle is possible. Whether you need this insurance depends among other things on what other insurance you have. Legal expenses you have with other coverages in one complete package. Do not carry your expensive stuff in your car, then you do not also ensure extra. A limited amount of covered goods stolen after a burglary in the car, also under the contents insurance.
3. Bike Insurance.
A bicycle insurance covers include theft of the bicycle. Besides theft can be insured damage. A bicycle insurance to conclude new or nearly new bikes and often run up to three years. If you park your bike is not often in unsafe places and you can properly securing him a bicycle insurance is not necessary. The premium is often quite high in relation to the purchase price of the bike. Furthermore, the premium is higher as increases the risk of theft. This is determined based on the region where you live. Before closing a bike insurance, you should check with yourself if you can not pay the damages himself. The maximum that theft or damage to your bike can cost the price of a replacement bicycle. And it can also be a second-hand bike.
4. Gadget Insurance.
A gadget insurance insures gadgets such as mobile phones, smartphones, tablets and laptops. It is theft and damage covered by an accident. As with the bike insurance you need to ask yourself here or premium or outweighs the chance that you will actually get a benefit from this insurance. Is your gadget stolen from your home, then it falls under your contents insurance. He is stolen on the way, it is sometimes difficult to prove that it really was stolen, and that you are not lost him. Damage is not always covered by contents insurance.
5. Pet Insurance.
Several insurance companies offer pet insurance. This is the most health for your dog or cat covered. It often does apply a maximum reimbursement per year and a deductible. Again the weather is good to ask yourself if you can not carry yourself these costs, should it prevent your pet becomes ill.
The contents insurance covers damage to your furniture due to include fire and theft. Catastrophes, such as damage due to flooding, are not covered. The value of your possessions is usually determined by the contents of value. This prevents you're under or over insured. If you are underinsured, meaning you do not get paid the full amount in damages, but only a part in proportion to the sum insured and the actual value of your home contents. If you are over-insured, you pay more premium than necessary but you will no longer be paid by. Some insurers provide a guarantee against underinsurance.
Sometimes, there are maximum coverage for valuables such as jewelry. These can then be additional insurance separately. You only need to do of course if you actually valuables. Therefore, pay attention to the insured amounts. If you have a lot of valuables, this insurance is definitely worth it. Even if you only have a basic furniture, it can be quite expensive to replace everything after a fire. Therefore, it is recommended that insurance for most people.
7. Accident insurance.
Accident insurance pays a lump sum in permanent injury or death following an accident. Are there no people financially dependent on you? Then a death benefit is not really necessary. If you have a mortgage, you've often obliged to take out a term life with. If you become disabled by the accident, you have more to disability insurance. This reverses instead of a lump sum, a monthly amount. If you are employed, you are entitled to sickness benefit and disability benefit after two years. With an additional insurance payment may be supplemented, which is sometimes controlled by the employer. Are you self-employed, you yourself will have to take out disability insurance.
A home insurance is often required when you have a mortgage on your house. The insurance covers damage to your house. Also, if you join do not have compulsory insurance on this, it is wise to do so. Damage to your home caused by fire or storm, think of falling trees, can be great. The premium is usually dependent on the reconstruction of your home.
If you are not entitled to legal aid, because you earn too much or have much power, you can choose to take out legal expenses. These insurance policies are relatively inexpensive compared to the hourly rate of a lawyer. The insurer will try to solve the case as cheaply as possible, which does not always produce the righteousness required by you. Usually compose his legal expenses of several modules, such as traffic, housing and income. Expect problems with your employer or are you planning to buy a house, it may be useful to be insured. Please note that you only shut modules which you really what you have to.
10. Travel insurance.
Travel insurance is highly recommended if you go abroad. Especially for medical expenses that insurance is needed. Please note that this is also covered. Your own health insurance often does not reimburse the costs of care abroad. Moreover brings sudden illness more costs involved, think of cost of a longer stay or extra costs for transport home.
Travel insurance are in a continuous and a short-term variation. The Annual Travel Insurance gives all year coverage, the current only during the journey which he has completed. Do not you often on vacation, then a short-term insurance is often cheaper. In an expensive trip cancellation insurance can come in handy. Book your plane, however in advance and there are no conditions to meet so you may have to cancel your holiday, you can take the risk.