Sabtu, 30 Juli 2016

11 insurance for entrepreneurs

1. Personal insurance

disability Insurance

It is something that you as a budding entrepreneur would rather not think too much about it, but to hedge this risk is personal - though not required - of great importance. It could happen that you are temporarily or permanently unable to work becomes suffering and loss of income. For example, a (business) accident or prolonged illness. Financial concerns in this area can be prevented by covering the personal risk of disability insurance. The cost of a disability insurance are highly dependent on your job and the time you want to insure.

pension insurance

Unlike when you are employed and accrue pension through your employer, is that entrepreneurs themselves. They will do self-consciously have to make certain arrangements. If you choose not (directly) to invest in your future income, keep in mind that you are coming from the government after retiring in principle only entitled to AOW . However, it is advisable to build in addition to pensions remained more. This can be done in various ways, for example through annuity savings, the (partial) repayment of a mortgage or a separate savings account open when you monthly deposit a fixed amount.

Term Life Insurance

11 insurance for entrepreneurs

By timely to take out life insurance, you can in the event of a later death some concerns for survivors removal occur at that time.
Apart from the personal grief has died due to the loss of income often impact on their financial situation.
With term life insurance, make sure that is released at death a sum of money for the survivors.
This can involve as mentioned earlier go to compensate the shortfall of income, but also to absorb any additional costs or providing a loan.

2. Business Insurance


Even if you have been closed years ago a private liability insurance, then you as an entrepreneur must also take out a commercial version. For damage you (or your staff) inflicts on others personal insurance will namely not be sufficient. Insurance companies make a clear distinction between business and private. For this type of business can therefore better to take out a separate liability insurance.


Storm damage, burglary or a fire caused by a short circuit: unpleasant situations that can happen to any entrepreneur can take care of your office or workspace for some problems. Fortunately, you can also take out insurance for this type of damage. Obviously, this business premium is less relevant if you have a home business is going to start, but if you are planning to establish your business in a remote location, such business insurance is a wise choice.

Inventory / stock

Any inconvenience caused by fire, a good autumn storm or flooding can cause so much damage that the stock or inventory irreparable damage to the premises. Limitations of the inventory and stock insurance solution. The only condition is that you must demonstrate that your business premises for the incident and was kept sufficiently secured.

company Stagnation

Storm damage, burglary or an accident while transporting a stock can cause business interruptions, thus missing out on some revenue. With a business interruption insurance can cover business risk. That is, you are assured than to reduce gross profit when your company (in part) comes to a standstill. Such damaged reverses the insurer than for example a compensation from the period that your business takes less or no revenue.


Are you going to a taxi company to start and sit you or your staff much later down the road? It is wise to insure your vehicle properly. A traffic accident, after all, is in a small corner. With this insurance you insure your car, van, truck, trailer and operating equipment. You are well insured for damage materiƫle- injury, even if you cause damage to third parties.

legal aid

It may happen that you make once faced with a legal conflict. For example, if a supplier fails to fulfill earlier agreements if a customer is dissatisfied with the work carried out by you. If you have taken out legal expenses, the (often rapidly rising) legal fees in many cases covered by your insurer.

3. Employees Insurance

default Insurance

If you hire staff, you need as an employer take into account that an employee can not come to work anymore.
But (illness) absenteeism costs employers money. Taking out a default insurance can eliminate some concerns in this area.
An average default insurance for example offers next wage payment also prevention, absenteeism and reintegration of your employees.


As an employer, you have several opportunities to take a pension plan for your employees, so your employees even after their retirement have to live not only the state pension. You can opt for a collective pension for employees. At Rabo Companies Pension you get a pension on the basis of a contribution agreement, the main risks are insured by default. In addition, you can offer your employees a temporary partner's pension.

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